Son Eun Seo menyukai penampilan Donghae yang polos
Son Eun Seo menyukai penampilan Donghae yang terlihat polos.
Dalam episode dari MBC We Got Married yang ditayangkan pada tanggal 24 Maret, Donghae berkencan dengan Son Eun Seo untuk kedua kalinya.
Dalam episode ini, pasangan virtual Leeteuk dan Kang Sora melatih Donghae untuk bagaimana cara berkencan yang baik sehingga dia bisa memiliki kencan yang sempurna dengan Son Eun Seo.
Setelah itu, Donghae bertemu Son Eun Seo di restoran berkelas dan mencoba untuk menghibur dengan berbicara tentang hal-hal yang biasanya menarik bagi para wanita.
Meskipun Donghae tidak terbiasa dengan minum, namun dia berusaha mengingat semua nama-nama Wine yang sulit dan mencoba untuk bercerita dengan Son Eun Seo karena ia tertarik dengan Wine.
Donghae membuat kesalahan ketika mengucapkan Château Nardou. Namun, Son Eun Seo terlihat tersentuh dan ia berkata kepada Donghae, “Kamu lucu.”
Donghae juga memecahkan suasana romantis dengan batuk setelah ia meminum Wine yang dipesan. Namun, Son eun Seo tertawa dan mereka akhirnya berkencan dalam suasana yang bersahabat.
Super Junior akan comeback bulan November??
Rumor, setelah semua, hanya rumor, tapi ada satu rumor mengambang di luar sana yang pasti akan menggemparkan ELFs banyak yang terdapat dalam dunia KPOP.
Sebuah gambar yang diambil dari apa yang tampak sebagai sebuah poster tentang album ke-6 Super Junior telah muncul dan mengingat apa kertas mengatakan, tampaknya bahwa member Super Junior akan merilis album ke-6 mereka pada November. Namun, karena SM Entertainment tidak membuat pengumuman resmi mengenai comeback kelompok itu, masih harus dilihat apakah rumor ini memang akan menjadi kenyataan.
Namun demikian, akan lebih menarik jika Anda melihat pada gambar, hanya ada 8 anggota berdiri.
Jadwal WAMIL member Super Junior
Pendaftaran Tahun (oleh anggota)
Kangin: 2010-2012
Leeteuk, Heechul: 2011-2013
Yesung: 2012-2014
Shindong: 2013-2015
Sungmin, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Siwon: 2014-2016
Ryeowook, Kibum: 2015-2017
Anggota Count (oleh tahun) (hanya mengambil bahwa Kibum tidak jauh penyebab bertindak)
2010: Hilang Kangin, 11 tinggal Anggota
2011: Kangin, Leeteuk, Heechul hilang, tinggal 9 Anggota
2012: Leeteuk, Heechul, Yesung Hilang, tinggal 9 Anggota
2013: Hilang Yesung, Shindong, tinggal 10 Anggota
2014: Hilang Shindong, Sungmin, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Siwon, tinggal 7 Anggota
2015: Hilang Sungmin, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, tinggal 6 Anggota
2016: Hilang Ryeowook, Kibum, tinggal 9 Anggota
2017: TIM FULL!
Itu berarti 7 tahun lagi sampai kita akan melihat SJ bersama-sama secara keseluruhan lagi. wamil Kangin hari ini dapat dimengerti, tapi kemudian mereka tidak bisa hanya memilih 2 tahun dan meminta semua anggota lainnya bersama-sama pada waktu yang sama? Ini bukan seolah-olah mereka memiliki batas usia ketika Anda masuk Jika bisa mendaftar pada usia 27, saya tidak melihat bagaimana anggota yang lebih tua tidak bisa menunggu sampai saat itu dan minta bersama-sama dengan yang lebih muda. Cara mereka melakukannya, pasti akan ada beberapa tahun di mana tidak ada album akan dirilis sama sekali, karena berbagai alasan.
Dan pada akhir 7 tahun, siapa yang tahu berapa banyak ELFs akan ada masih tersisa?
Berapa banyak fans akan menunggu 7 tahun untuk kelompok yang akan bersama-sama lagi??
Tapi melihat jumlah orang yang tersisa per tahun, it’s pretty tidak mereka akan melepaskan album. Konser tur mungkin, namun album, tidak cukup mungkin.
2011: Pemimpin Hilang dan paling banyak bicara orang alias Heechul, Kangin, Leeteuk. Promosi kegiatan akan sangat keras.
2012: alasan Sama seperti 2011, ditambah kehilangan satu dari Yesung alias penyanyi utama.
2013: Mungkin, jika mereka memiliki anggota lain untuk mengambil alih bagian Yesung’s, Leeteuk mungkin atau Kyuhyun.
2014: Tidak mungkin. 4 dari 6 penari utama pergi (Donghae, Eunhyuk, Sungmin, Shindong. Waktu dengan Kyuhyun hanya dan Leeteuk) Tari koreografi akan terlalu besar penghalang. Kecuali hanya SJ-K.R.Y. terus dengan kegiatan mereka.
2015: Bahkan lebih buruk dari 2014, tidak hanya dengan anggota lebih masuk ke Angkatan Darat, tapi Ryeowook, salah satu vokal utama akan hilang. Hanya tinggal 3 dari 6 penari utama dalam grup. Bahkan SJ-K.R.Y. kegiatan, jika ada, akan ditunda.
2016: Tidak mungkin untuk merilis album sebagai SJ secara keseluruhan. Penari utama semua kembali, kecuali Kyuhyun hanya bergabung dengan tentara. Tapi 2 dari 3 (Ryeowook dan Kyuhyun) vokal utama akan tetap di tentara. Kecuali mereka memiliki aktivitas dengan SJ-T atau SJ-Happy.
Hanya 2017 akan mereka semua berkumpul sebagai kelompok lagi?. Tapi setelah 7 kesenjangan tahun, akan mereka masih memiliki banyak sebagai fans? Tidak mungkin.
Apakah SM masih membiarkan mereka merilis album? Itu pertanyaan.
Mungkin salah satu sebagai percobaan, yang jika penjualan album mereka masih cukup tinggi mungkin akan terus berlanjut. Tetapi jika tidak, album ini 4 bisa menjadi yang terakhir yang kita lihat dari mereka bersama sebagai Super Junior.
Mudah-mudahan tidak demikian, terutama dengan semua huru-hara bahwa mereka pergi melalui bersama sejak mereka memulai debutnya.
Namun demikian, itu akan menjadi indah jika kita masih bisa melihat mereka bersama-sama, sebagai 13 atau setidaknya 12 setelah 7 tahun. Jika tidak kita hanya harus menyelesaikan dengan melihat mereka dengan kegiatan masing-masing, yang saya harap tidak terjadi.
Asia’s hottest idol group Super Junior set a new record, becoming the top artist to sell the most albums over the past 3 years.
The ‘2011 Singer Awards‘ reflects the artists that sold the most albums according to sales data from Hanteo, and Super Junior sold 355,900 albums between January 1st, 2011 and December 27th, 2011.
Super Junior’s cumulative album sales (of all 32 singles and albums they’ve released to date) for 2011 amounted to 350,000 units. This was the highest number of sales since the ‘Singer Awards’ were established back in 2009. Seo Taiji boasted 248,800 units in 2009, while Girls’ Generation set a new record last year by moving 309,400 units.
Super Junior’s full length album ‘Mr.Simple‘ was a big factor that contributed to their impressive sales numbers. ‘Mr Simple’ Type A alone sold 199,300 copies while Type B sold 53,500 copies and their repackaged album sold 73,900 copies. All together, their fifth album alone sold 326,800 units. Behind Super Junior was TVXQ who sold 230,000 units and Girls’ Generation who sold 226,700 units.
The two names that stood out on the list, however, were INFINITE and IU. The boys of INFINITE came in at 7th place selling 124,100 units while singer IU was the only soloist to break the top 10, selling 92,900 units at #9.
Hanteo charts calculates the data by collecting 85% of their information from nationwide music sales and 15% from accumulations in their own information database along with national sale estimates.
Belajar Bahasa Korea:MENGENAL KATA 어떻게 ( eotteoke )
eotteoke )
Kata 어떻게 ( eotteoke )
memiliki arti ” bagaimana “. Dalam penggunaannya kata ini acapkali
berubah kata, sesuai dengan
fungsi pertanyaan itu
sendiri. Tulisan ini sebenarnya terinspirasi dari Q & A bahasa Korea
, ada yang menanyakan tentang perbedaan antara
kata : 어떻게 dan 어떡해.
Dalam kesempatan ini saya tampilkan jawabannya yaitu : ” Kata 어떻게
(oetteoke) merupakan
kata keterangan dengan
arti ‘bagaimana’. Sedangkan kata 어떡해(oetteokhe) sebagai frase disingkat
dari 어떻게
해(oetteoke hae) yang
bermakna ‘bagaimana melakukan~atau bagaimana saya bersikap’ maka dapat
dipakai predikat tapi
tidak bisa menerangkan
unsur lain.
Misalnya, 한국에 어떻게 갑니까?
(Hanguke oetteoke gamnika?) yang berarti, Bagaimana saya ke Korea?
Dalam kalimat kata 어떻게
menerangkan kata 갑니까 yang dipakai sebagai predikat. Sedangkan kata 어떡해
dalam kalimat seperti 나
어떡해?(Na oetteokhe?) dengan arti, bagaimana saya? Ungkapan ini dapat
dipakai ketika
seseorang harus
mengambil suatu sikap dalam satu keadaan.”. inilah penjelasan dari
perbedaan dua kata di atas
Mungkin masih banyak
kata serupa 어떻게 ( eotteoke ) dalam bahasa Korea. Saya ambil beberapa
contoh di bawah ini :
1. 어떤 atau 어떠한 (
eotteon atau eotteohan ) dengan arti yang bagaimana, misalnya
a.어떤 노래가 좋을까요..~? (
eotteon noraega joheulkkayo.. ) Lagu yang bagaimana yang anda sukai ?
kalimat ini
mengharapkan jawaban
jenis lagu, misalnya balada, rock, dang dut dan sebagainya.
b.어떤 사람한테 길을 물어봤어요? (
eotteon saramhante gireul mureobwasseoyo? ) Pada orang yang bagaimana (
) kamu menanyakan jalan ?
c.정말 어떠한 학생이라도 성공할 수
있습니다.( jeongmal eotteohan haksaengirado seonggonghal su issseumnida.)
Sungguh, pelajar yang
bagaimanapun ( siapapun ) dapat berhasil sukses.
d. 어떤 일이 있어도 아침엔 좋은 생각
하새요 ( eotteon iri isseodo achimen joheun saenggak hasaeyo ) Dalam
yang bagaimanapun juga,
pada pagi hari berfikir baiklah . Kata 어떤 di sini berubah menjadi idiom
ketika digabung dengan
kata lain, walaupun
masih mempunyai makna yang bagaimana.
2.어떠세요? ( eotteoseyo? )
artinya ” bagaimana..? ” . hampir sama dengan kata permasalahan di atas,
bahwa kata inipun
dipertanyakan penulisan
antara 어떠세요? dan 어떻세요?
a.요즘 어떠세요? ( yojeum
eotteoseyo? ) akhir-akhir ini bagaimana kabarmu ?
b. 여름 유가 어디로 가실건가요 ?
인도네시아으로 어떠세요( yeoreum yuga eodiro gasilgeongayo ? indonesiaeuro
eotteoseyo..? Anda akan
pergi ke mana pada liburan musim panas..?
3. Ada juga kata 어떻게
하는지 알아/몰라 ( eotteoke haneunji ara/molla ) Tahu/ tidak tahu bagaimana
sesuatu. contonya adalah
a. 용준이는 김치찌게 어떻게 만드는지
알아요.( yongjunineun gimchijjige eotteoke mandeuneunji arayo ) = Yong-jun
tahu bagaimana membuat
Kimci chigae.
8.부산에 어떻게 가는지 몰라. (
busane eotteoke ganeunji molla ) Saya tidak tahu bagaimana caranya pergi
ke Busan
Mungkin juga masih ada
kata-kata serupa, namun pada kesempatan ini mungkin cukup ini saja dan
Dalam kalimat kata 어떻게 menerangkan kata
갑니까 yang dipakai sebagai predikat. Sedangkan kata 어떡해 digunakan
dalam kalimat seperti 나 어떡해?(Na
oetteokhe?) dengan arti, bagaimana saya? Ungkapan ini dapat dipakai
ketika seseorang harus mengambil suatu sikap dalam satu keadaan.”.
inilah penjelasan dari perbedaan dua kata di atas .
Mungkin masih banyak kata serupa 어떻게 (
eotteoke ) dalam bahasa Korea. Saya ambil beberapa contoh di bawah ini :
1. 어떤 atau 어떠한 ( eotteon atau eotteohan
) dengan arti yang bagaimana, misalnya :
a.어떤 노래가 좋을까요..~? ( eotteon noraega
joheulkkayo.. ) Lagu yang bagaimana yang anda sukai ? kalimat
ini mengharapkan jawaban jenis lagu, misalnya balada, rock, dang dut dan
b.어떤 사람한테 길을 물어봤어요? ( eotteon saramhante
gireul mureobwasseoyo? ) Pada orang yang bagaimana ( siapa ) kamu
menanyakan jalan ?
c.정말 어떠한 학생이라도 성공할 수 있습니다.( jeongmal
eotteohan haksaengirado seonggonghal su issseumnida.) Sungguh, pelajar
yang bagaimanapun ( siapapun ) dapat berhasil sukses.
d. 어떤 일이 있어도 아침엔 좋은 생각 하새요 ( eotteon iri
isseodo achimen joheun saenggak hasaeyo ) Dalam kondisi yang
bagaimanapun juga, pada pagi hari berfikir baiklah . Kata 어떤 di sini
berubah menjadi idiom ketika digabung dengan kata lain, walaupun masih
mempunyai makna yang bagaimana.
2. 어떠세요? ( eotteoseyo? ) artinya ”
bagaimana..? ” . hampir sama dengan kata permasalahan di atas, bahwa
kata inipun dipertanyakan penulisan antara 어떠세요? dan 어떻세요?
a.요즘 어떠세요? ( yojeum eotteoseyo? )
akhir-akhir ini bagaimana kabarmu ?
b. 여름 유가 어디로 가실건가요 ? 인도네시아으로 어떠세요(
yeoreum yuga eodiro gasilgeongayo ? indonesiaeuro eotteoseyo..? Anda
akan pergi ke mana pada liburan musim panas..?
3. Ada juga kata 어떻게 하는지 알아/몰라 (
eotteoke haneunji ara/molla ) Tahu/ tidak tahu bagaimana
melakukan sesuatu. contonya adalah :
a. 용준이는 김치찌게 어떻게 만드는지 알아요.( yongjunineun
gimchijjige eotteoke mandeuneunji arayo ) = Yong-jun tahu bagaimana
membuat Kimci chigae.
8.부산에 어떻게 가는지 몰라. ( busane eotteoke
ganeunji molla ) Saya tidak tahu bagaimana caranya pergi ke Busan
Mungkin juga masih ada kata-kata serupa,
namun pada kesempatan ini mungkin cukup ini saja dan
mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.
She Want It
Ggeunjeokggeunjeokhan mabeobgateun geunyeo-ae geomijuleh geolryeo
Heh-eonal su eopseo
Waenji mulla idaeroga jo-ah
Nan imi bbajeotna
[Donghae] Jeongmalro michidorok yehppeun geunyeoji
[Kangin] Namjaro tae-eonangeol jeulgeomgeh haji
[Hankyung] Don mahneun namjabuteo a-ideulkkaji
[Ryeowook] Geunyeo-ae hwanshimeul sago shipeoseo andalhaji
[Kyu] My mama told me
Yeojaneun mwonimwonihaedo chakhan ma-eumi
Gajang jungyohan georangeol ([Ryeowook] Aljiman)
Eokkae mureop balkkaji wanbyeokhan neo-ae style
Mi-ingyeh-ae dalinin
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Geu nunbit hanbeon nomyeon geugeolro nal game over
Mi-indeuldo jiltuhaneun
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
[Ryeowook] (Wiheomhae) She wants it
[Yesung] (Wiheomhae) Woh
[Kyu] (Wiheomhae) Yeah
[Shindong] Geunyeo-ae geomijuleh geolrigomaneun
Namjadeuleun 100%
Hanagati babogati jeulgeowohae jushimhae
Wanbyeokhan geunyeo-ae play skill
Modu Perfect hae
Misoro nareul kkosyeotgeon
[Eunhyuk] Geunyeoga wonhaneun geot?
Danji sarangi anin banji mokgeori Bling bling
Jalppajin Slim slim jadongcha
Maeryeoki neomchyeo so hot
Moreugehtda so what
[ Lyrics from: ]
[Ryeowook] Mae-il bami dwaemyeon nagaji
[Eeteuk] Geunyeoneun gajin namjaman sanyanghaji
[Sungmin] Namjadeuleun geunyeo-ae jangnangamiji
[Siwon] Jeongshimchariji anim neodo got crazy
[Yesung] anbwado bbeonhae geunyeoneun nareul wonhaji
Rago chakgakhae nan dareudago mitjiman (Ha! )
Eokkae mureop balkkaji wanbyeokhan neo-ae style
Mi-ingyeh-ae dalinin
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Geu nunbit hanbeon nomyeon geugeolro nal game over
Mi-indeuldo jiltuhaneun
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
[Kyu] Gotta let you go
[Yesung] Na, na-ae ma-eumeul jakku heundeuneh
[Donghae] Na, nal boneun geunyeoneun wiheomhae
[Ryeowook] Ja, jakku na-ae honeul magu heundeuneh
[Kyu] Na, na-ae ma-eumeul bbaetneun geunyeoneun wiheomhae ([Yesung] Geunyeoneun wiheomhae)
Eokkae mureop balkkaji wanbyeokhan neo-ae style
Mi-ingyeh-ae dalinin
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Geu nunbit hanbeon nomyeon geugeolro nal game over
Mi-indeuldo jiltuhaneun
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Eokkae mureop balkkaji wanbyeokhan neo-ae style
Mi-ingyeh-ae dalinin
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Geu nunbit hanbeon nomyeon geugeolro nal game over
Mi-indeuldo jiltuhaneun
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Heh-eonal su eopseo
Waenji mulla idaeroga jo-ah
Nan imi bbajeotna
[Donghae] Jeongmalro michidorok yehppeun geunyeoji
[Kangin] Namjaro tae-eonangeol jeulgeomgeh haji
[Hankyung] Don mahneun namjabuteo a-ideulkkaji
[Ryeowook] Geunyeo-ae hwanshimeul sago shipeoseo andalhaji
[Kyu] My mama told me
Yeojaneun mwonimwonihaedo chakhan ma-eumi
Gajang jungyohan georangeol ([Ryeowook] Aljiman)
Eokkae mureop balkkaji wanbyeokhan neo-ae style
Mi-ingyeh-ae dalinin
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Geu nunbit hanbeon nomyeon geugeolro nal game over
Mi-indeuldo jiltuhaneun
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
[Ryeowook] (Wiheomhae) She wants it
[Yesung] (Wiheomhae) Woh
[Kyu] (Wiheomhae) Yeah
[Shindong] Geunyeo-ae geomijuleh geolrigomaneun
Namjadeuleun 100%
Hanagati babogati jeulgeowohae jushimhae
Wanbyeokhan geunyeo-ae play skill
Modu Perfect hae
Misoro nareul kkosyeotgeon
[Eunhyuk] Geunyeoga wonhaneun geot?
Danji sarangi anin banji mokgeori Bling bling
Jalppajin Slim slim jadongcha
Maeryeoki neomchyeo so hot
Moreugehtda so what
[ Lyrics from: ]
[Ryeowook] Mae-il bami dwaemyeon nagaji
[Eeteuk] Geunyeoneun gajin namjaman sanyanghaji
[Sungmin] Namjadeuleun geunyeo-ae jangnangamiji
[Siwon] Jeongshimchariji anim neodo got crazy
[Yesung] anbwado bbeonhae geunyeoneun nareul wonhaji
Rago chakgakhae nan dareudago mitjiman (Ha! )
Eokkae mureop balkkaji wanbyeokhan neo-ae style
Mi-ingyeh-ae dalinin
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Geu nunbit hanbeon nomyeon geugeolro nal game over
Mi-indeuldo jiltuhaneun
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
[Kyu] Gotta let you go
[Yesung] Na, na-ae ma-eumeul jakku heundeuneh
[Donghae] Na, nal boneun geunyeoneun wiheomhae
[Ryeowook] Ja, jakku na-ae honeul magu heundeuneh
[Kyu] Na, na-ae ma-eumeul bbaetneun geunyeoneun wiheomhae ([Yesung] Geunyeoneun wiheomhae)
Eokkae mureop balkkaji wanbyeokhan neo-ae style
Mi-ingyeh-ae dalinin
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Geu nunbit hanbeon nomyeon geugeolro nal game over
Mi-indeuldo jiltuhaneun
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Eokkae mureop balkkaji wanbyeokhan neo-ae style
Mi-ingyeh-ae dalinin
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Geu nunbit hanbeon nomyeon geugeolro nal game over
Mi-indeuldo jiltuhaneun
Geunyeoneun wiheomhae neomudo wiheomhae
Dengan berakhirnya SS4 World Tour –
Seoul 19 dan 20 November lalu, tentu ELF Internasional yang belum masuk
list SS4 makin heboh berharap SUJU nyamperin mereka. Begitu juga dengan
ELF Indonesia, yang makin gencar mention member-member SUJU di twitter.Namun di antara semua member SUJU yang neg-bales tweet seputar SS4 –
Indonesia tentu saja Siwon (sudah rahasia umum dia yang paling fasih
pake Bahasa Inggris)!
Lalu apa jawaban Siwon? Biar lebih afdol
dan lebih akurat tajam dan terpercaya,,, liat screencaps berikut ini
Saranghae tjanha uri hamkkehan manheun nal dongan
Hamkke apahaetjanha seoroui irin juldo moreugo
Neon eodi inneun geoni naui moksori deullijil annni
Apeun nae simjangi neoreul chatneunda neoreul bureunda michidorok
Gaseumi nunmuri tto neoui gieogi
Han bangul han bangul tto nae gaseume heulleo naerinda
Ureodo ureodo jiwojiji annneun gieogeul ttara
Oneuldo bin nae gaseumeul tto jeoksinda
Johahaetjanha jageun nae misoe useojwotjanha
Hamkke ureosseotjanha naui nunmure apahaetjanha
Jigeum eodi inneun geoni jichin nae moseubi boijil annni
Apeun nae simjangi neoreul chatneunda neoreul bureunda michidorok
Gaseumi nunmuri tto neoui gieogi
Han bangul han bangul tto nae gaseume heulleo naerinda
Ureodo ureodo jiwojiji annneun gieogeul ttara
Oneuldo bin nae gaseumeul tto jeoksinda
Naegero dorawajullae maeil ne ireum bureumyeo
Jichin gidarim soge neoreul chaja hemaeneun najanha
Sarangi nunmuri neowaui chueogi
Han bangul han bangul tto nae gaseume heulleo naerinda
Ureodo ureodo jiwojiji annneun gieogeul ttara
Oneuldo bin nae gaseumeul tto jeoksinda

They debuted in 2005 with the single “TWINS (Knock Out)” as a twelve member group but added a thirteenth in May of 2006 with the release of their single U.
Super Junior’s popularity has spread across Asia and they have held concerts in such places as Thailand and Japan. Several of the members had previous jobs as VJs, actors and models previously, which helped to boost the group’s popularity. Super Junior is composed of 12 Korean members and 1 Chinese member.

The members are Leeteuk (the leader), Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kang-in, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, and Kyuhyun. The Chinese member, Han Geng, was chosen among 3,000 applicants through auditions held in China by SM Entertainment in 2001. The group initially debuted with twelve members on November 6, 2005, but since the addition of Kyuhyun in May 23, 2006, they have become a thirteen-member group.
As of 2010, only 10 members are active, due to Han Geng’s ongoing lawsuit against SM Entertainment, Kibum’s pursuit of other interests, and Kang-in’s leave of absence for mandatory military service.
Super Junior Debut and History
Since the late 1990s, Korean talent agency and record label SM Entertainment has been holding annual auditions to scout new talents that complemented the success of pop groups H.O.T, S.E.S, and Shinhwa, all of which were created by SM founder Soo-Man Lee in the mid 1990s. Leeteuk and Eunhyuk were the first two members of the group to be recruited in 2000 under SM’s Starlight Casting System in Seoul.
In 2001, the company held their first overseas casting auditions and discovered Han Geng in Beijing, who was chosen among three thousand applicants. That same year, Yesung was discovered under Seoul’s casting system with his friend HeeChul. Sungmin and Donghae were also selected to be trainees after their appearance in an SM-sponsored contest. In 2002, Heechul and Kangin was recruited along with Kibum, who was discovered in Los Angeles. Siwon was casted in 2003 and Ryeowook in 2004, in which the latter was discovered through the Chinchin Youth Festival singing competition. In 2005, Shindong was selected.

Not long after boy band TVXQ’s debut in 2003, news about Lee’s unprecedented plans of forming another boy band quickly spread on the Internet. In early 2005,Lee confirmed the news and announced that an all-boy project group of twelve members would debut near the end of the year, promoting this singing group to be “The Gateway to Stardom of Asia.” Lee announced that that most members in this group were chosen because of their performing experiences as actors, MCs, models, and radio hosts prior debut. Heechul and Kibum were already established entertainers, and most of the other members had already made various kinds of appearances on television and media. Highly inspired by the rotational concept of Japan’s girl group Morning Musume, this group would also experience line-up changes, with new members replacing some selected members every year to keep the group constantly young and all-rounded. This concept was then newly introduced to the K-pop market.
For a while the group was rumored to be called O.V.E.R, the acronym for “Obey the Voice for Each Rhythm.” However, before the group settled with their current name, SM simply referred to them as Junior, a representation of the members’ young ages when they first became SM trainees. After the members’
showcased their different talents to the company at a picnic, the company finalized their concept name to Super Junior. The group thereafter became officially Super Junior 05, the first generation of Super Junior.

Super Junior 05 made their pre-debut on the Korean channel Mnet on September 11, 2005. At the showcase, they performed various styles of hip hop dancing. The group danced to B2K’s “Take It To The Floor.” Han Geng, Eunhyuk, and Donghae also performed a separate dance away from the group, dancing to Usher’s “Caught Up.” However, the performance did not air on television until May 16, 2006 as a segment in the Super Junior Show, the group’s first television documentary.
Super Junior Sub Unit
Like SS501, Super Junior does also has a Sub Unit.
Super Junior-K.R.Y
Super Junior-K.R.Y, established in November 2006, is a trio formed by Kyuhyun,
Ryeowook, and Yesung. The company discovered that these three members developed a particular personal
and subsequent fan-base that was separate from the rest of the group, and how they also had similar musical qualities.hey therefore grouped these three members together to perform particular songs to target a more mature audience. Being amongst the most vocally powerful members of the group, Super Junior-K.R.Y are credited to singing mournful, R&B-style ballads, a style that has proven very popular in recent years although stagnation in the style’s development is causing it to lose its once fresh evocative power.

Super Junior T
Super Junior-Trot (Korean: 슈퍼주니어-트로트), officially known as Super Junior-T (Korean: 슈퍼주니어-티) is the second official sub-unit of Korean boy band Super Junior.They are the first idol group known for capitalizing trot music, the oldest form of Korean pop music. Super Junior-T contains six Super Junior members, Leeteuk (the leader), Heechul, Kang-in, Shindong, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk.
Super Junior-T has released only one single in the short span of their career before they were
announced to be on hiatus in 2008. The single “Rokuko” was Korea’s sixteenth best-selling record and
the number one best-selling single of 2007, according to the Music Industry Association of Korea.In November 2008,the subgroup returned with a debut in the Japanese music industry, releasing the Japanese version of “Rokuko.”
Super Junior M
Super Junior-M, often referred to as SJ-M, is the third official sub-unit of Korean boy band Super Junior. They are the first international music group in the Chinese music industry to have members of both Chinese and Korean descent, and are also the first group produced by Korea’s CT (Culture Technology) organization, created through a comprehensive localization strategy.Super Junior-M consists of Super Junior members Han Geng (the leader), Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook,Kyuhyun, and two non-Super Junior members, Henry and Zhou Mi.
Super Junior Happy
Super Junior-Happy (Korean: 슈퍼주니어-해피), sometimes referred to as SJ-Happy or Suju-Happy (Korean: 슈주-해피), is the fourth official sub-unit of Korean boy band Super Junior. Super Junior-Happy contains six Super Junior members, Leeteuk (the leader), Yesung, Kang-in, Shindong, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk.

Super Junior 4th album Bonamana
Super Junior, a South Korea Boy Band, return in Kpop industry with their most anticipating album “Bonamana 미인아”. Bonamana will be their 4th studio album.
Super Junior released the album with 10 members (originally 13 members) and the album still selling over 36,000 copies on the first day of release.
Single Bonamana is a African Rhythms, which is widely defined to be in a electropop funk style, and a majority of the song is concentrated on autotuned vocals.
This album, which is set to be released on the 13th May, sold 64,800 copies online and 133,685 copies offline for a total of 198,485 copies, showing the magnitude of the interest that fans have generated for this comeback.
Super Junior Discography
2005: SuperJunior05 (TWINS)
Track List :
1. Miracle
2. TWINS (Knock Out)
3. You are the one
4. Rock this house
5. 차근차근 (Way for love)
6. So I
8. Keep in touch
9. L.O.V.E.
10. Believe
11. TWINS (Knock Out)
2007: Don’t Don
Track List :
1. 돈 돈! (Don’t Don)
2. 소원이 있나요 (Sapphire Blue)
3. You’re my endless love (말하자면)
4. 미워 (Hate U, Love U)
5. Disco Drive
6. Marry U
7. I am
8. 사랑이 떠나다 (She’s gone)
9. Missin’
10. 거울 (Mirror)
11. 우리들의 사랑 (Our Love)
12. Midnight Fantasy
13. Thank you
14. 아주 먼 옛날 (Song for you)” (Bonus track)
2009: Sorry, Sorry
Track list :
1. Sorry, Sorry
2. 니가 좋은 이유 (Why I like you)
3. 마주치지 말자 (Let’s not…)
4. 앤젤라 (Angela)
5. Reset
6. Monster
7. What if
8. 이별… 넌 쉽니 (Heartquake)
9. Club No.1
10. Happy Together
11. 죽어있는 것 (Dead at heart)
12. Shining Star
2010: Bonamana
Track List :
1. 미인나 (Bonamana)
2. 나쁜 여자 (Boom Boom)
3. 응결 (Coagulation)
4. 나란 사람 (My Eyes)
5. My Only Girl
6. 사랑이 이렇게 (My All Is In You)
7. Shake It Up!
8. 잠들고 싶어 (In My Dream)
9. 봄날 (One Fine Spring Day)
10. 좋은 사람 (Good Person)
11. Here We Go
Asia tours
2008–2009: The 1st ASIA TOUR, Super Show
2009–2010: The 2nd ASIA TOUR, Super Show 2
More photos of Super Junior :

Super Junior Members Profile :
Leeteuk :

Birth name:Park Jungsu
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, trot
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, television host, MC, DJ
Instrument(s): Bbeatboxing, piano, guitar
Sibling:1 older sister(Park Inyoung)
Position:Leader, sub-vocal
School:Paekche Junior College
Blood type: A
Nicknames:Angel Without Wings,Teuki Teuki, AngelTeuk,Lida Park,Peter Pan
Ideal Girl:Pretty, outgoing girl(163cm would be the ideal height) with thin ankles and wrists.
Casting: Starlight Casting System 2000
First Appearance: 2000 MBC “All About Eve”
Trivia: Is the leader and the oldest of Super Junior. He was the first member of Super Junior that was accepted into SM Entertainment.
Heechul :

Birth name:Kim Heechul
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, alternative rock, trot
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, television host, MC, DJ, model
Instrument(s): Singing, rapping, piano, Drums
Sibling:1 older sister(Kim Heejin)
Position:Sub leader, rapper, sub vocal
School:Sangji University
Blood type: AB
Nicknames:Heenim, Cinderella, Sachawon, Kim Cherry
Ideal Girl:Single-eyelided girl with a pretty neck who looks good in mini skirts and/or with her hair tied up.
Han Geng :

Birth name:Han Geng
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Born: February 9, 1984 (1984-02-09) (age 25)
Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang, China
School:Central University for Nationalities Beijing
Blood type: B
Nationality: Chinese (ethnicity- Hezhe)
Nicknames: Eagle, The Miracle of 1.3 Million, Angel of Heilung Jiang
Ideal Girl: Cute girl who respects his parents and loves him for who he is; Song Hyekyo
Yesung :

Birth name:Kim Jongwoon
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, R&B
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, DJ
Sibling:1 younger brother(Kim Jongjin)
Position:Lead vocal
School:Chungwoon University
Blood type: AB
Nicknames:Cloud, Artistic Vocal Cords, Singing Yesung, Cheonan Uljjang
Ideal Girl:Moon Geungyoung
Kang-in :

Birth name:Kim Youngwoon
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, trot
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, television host, MC, DJ
Position:Sub vocal
School:Kyunghee Cyber University(Major:Cultural Arts Management)
Blood type: O
Nicknames:Bear Kangin,Strength Kangin,raccoon,Korea No.1 Handsome Guy,The Real Leader
Ideal Girl:Rich and pretty with pretty feet and long straight hair
Shindong :

Birth name:Shin Donghee
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, hip hop, R&B, trot
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, MC, DJ
School:Paekche Junior College (Major:Dance)
Blood type: O
Nickname:Dolpan Ogyupsal(a type of food)
Ideal Girl: Adorable, petite
Sungmin :

Birth name:Lee Sungmin
Genre(s): K-pop, trot
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, DJ
Instrument(s): piano, guitar, bass guitar, drums
Sibling:1 younger brother(Lee Sungjin)
Position:Main vocal
School:Myongji University (Major:Film Musical; transferred from Seoul Institute of the Arts)
Blood type: A
Nicknames:Pumpkin Guy,Sungmin Who’s Too Cute for Us
Ideal Girl: Adorable, petite
Eunhyuk :

Birth name:Lee Hyukjae
Origin: South Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, hip hop, R&B, trot
Occupation(s): Singer-songwriter, dancer, actor, MC, DJ
Sibling:1 older sister(Lee Sora)
Position:Rapper, sub vocal
School:Paichai University
Blood type: O
Nicknames:Monkey,Gem Adonis,Little Mermaid,cockroach,Hallyu Star,Hyojjae,Hyukgoo
Ideal Girl: Fair-skinned, cute, petite
Donghae :

Birth name:Lee Donghae
Mokpo, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, Mandopop, hip hop, R&B
Sibling:1 older brother(Lee Donghwa)
Position:Rapper, sub vocal
School:Myongji Univ.(Major:Performance Arts)
Blood type: A
Nickname:Fish, Sushi, Hweh, Ryeowook’s #1 Fan, Bada’s Dad, East Sea(Donghae means East Sea(Sea of Japan) in Korean), Mokpo Uljjang
Ideal Girl: Someone who’s caring, fair-skinned, with big eyes and long hair.
Siwon :

Birth name:Choi Siwon
Origin: Seoul, South Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, Mandopop
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, model
Sibling:1 younger sister(Choi Jiwon)
School:Inha University(Major:Physical education)
Position:Sub vocal
Blood type: B
Nickname:Simba, #1 Fan of the LORD, bodyguard, gentleman, horse
Ideal Girl: Christian, wavy-haired with abs
Ryeowook :

Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, Mandopop, R&B
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor
School:Inha University (Major:Theater Arts)
Position:Main vocal
Religion:Christian (rumored to be Catholic)
Blood type: O
Nickname:Ryeonggoo, Eternal Maknae(youngest), Rank #1, Ryeowook On Top, Ex-Maknae
Ideal Girl: Someone who’s petite and can sing well
Ki Bum :

Birth name:Kim Kibum
Origin: Seoul, Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer, actor, model
Sibling:1 younger sister(Kim Saehee)
School: Inha University
Position: Rapper
Blood type: A
Nickname:Snow White
Ideal Girl: Han Ga-In
Kyuhyun :

Birth name:Cho Kyuhyun
Sibling:1 older sister (Cho Ara)
Position:Main vocal
School:Kyunghee University (Major:Post-modern Music)
Origin Republic of Korea
Genre(s): K-pop, Mandopop, R&B
Occupation(s): Singer, dancer
Instrument(s): Singing, piano
Blood type: A
Nickname: Choding, Maknae(youngest) On Top, Micky’s #1 Fan, Lord Kyu ,Sulky Kyu, Porn Kyu, Fit-In Kyu, Chic Kyu, Alien, Jesus Kyu, Dorm Kyu, Sexy Kyu, Baby Kyu, Shy Kyu, ELF Kyu, Green Kyu, Terror Kyu, Rotten Smile Kyu, Guinness Kyu, Voice Kyu, Dark Kyu, Model Kyu, Miracle Kyu, Doll Kyu, S Line Kyu, Basic Instinct Kyu, Game Kyu, Kyurying Fan, Drama Kyu, etc (it’s rumored that he has over 900 nicknames)
Ideal Girl: Pretty, preferably Christian; Kim Taehee
Henry Lau :

Birth name:Henry Lau
School:A.Y.Jackson Secondary School
Siblings:One older brother and one younger sister
Religion: Lauism
Blood type: AB
Nationality: Canadian
Zhou Mi :

Birth name:Zhou Mi
Nickname: Siwon, Gentleman Mimi (poking fun of Lady Gaga)
Nationality: Chinese (ethnicity- Han)
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